Protect Your Team, Protect Your Company

Safer CutYou asked…OK, maybe your EHS folks asked…for a productive abrasive saw designed with more attention to operator safety. We worked on it and introduce SaferCut™ powered by Everett. Fully enclosed abrasive saws, manual or power head, with designs guided by “best-practice” machinery safety standards: ANSI-B11, EN Machinery Directive, ISO-13849.

Let’s face it, many Boomers may retire and not come back from the Covid Pause. Even before this, the number of skilled, careful, attentive machinists…or even machine operators…that were interested in, let alone willing to stand in front of, an open abrasive saw was rapidly declining.

Catalogue tool-room-style saws are designed for use only by trained, careful, skilled, and thoughtful machinists. Is this who you have operating your saws today? We agree that you likely don’t need a machinist on an abrasive saw, but do you have a saw that is appropriate for the operator you are actually using?

If you have not questioned this, we are fairly certain that your EHS folks have. They walk by your old tool-room-style saw and ask, “Do we really train our people to operate that?” Or, if not your EHS folks, G*d forbid, the attorney at the deposition asks, “So, did your company put a temp who showed up that morning, the one sitting here missing two fingers, on an open saw without any training? Is it still your testimony that ‘everyone’ knows how to use a saw?”

SaferCut™ saws still have residual risks…we just studied the latest functional safety standards and best practices and implemented design changes to make injury from those risks more rare compared with open tool-room saws. Higher purchase prices than catalogue, tool-room saws? Yep..up-front…but what does a lost-time injury cost you? And just in case you have been misled, a door and an interlock in the “ON” circuit does not satisfy any machine safety standard.

While even the “safest” machine has residual risks, our goal was to develop an abrasive saw that makes injury from those risks rarer than with existing technology while preserving productivity. Please carefully read and follow the instruction manual before operating any saw or machinery.

Talk to us to better understand how we can help you protect your team and your company. Read more HERE.

SaferCut™ by Everett…Proven Everett performance in a more protective package.

Are You Using this Covid Pause to Rebuild?

Then we have the parts or service for you…

Remember when none of us had time to take machines out of service because we were too busy? Not a problem right now. We are using this Covid Pause to rebuild critical machine tools that we use to machine the parts used to make your saws…all here in Warren, Ohio. Some of you are too…a customer delivered its well used saw to us for new electrics, hydraulics, spindle and to replace missing guarding. We have built up stock in most parts and are working toward same-day shipment on all standard components.

If you too are using this Covid Pause to improve production reliability, call us for the parts you need…pulleys & bushings, arbor shaft assemblies, vises, cylinders, motors…or to discuss sending your saw to us for a factory refurbish.

End of an Era: Say Goodbye to Two Classics…

While the 8″ and the 12″ saws were “good” saws, these classic Everett saws have reached retirement. Once we ship the 8″ and 12″ saws currently in production, they will be gone forever.

Based on our methodical testing (power draw, cutting time, wheel life) and customer feedback, we found that the 10” and 16” saws are “better” i.e. much more capable of cutting virtually the same size range of material…with the performance you expect of our products. We currently have a limited stock of replacement parts for the 8” and 12” saws, but will not be restocking once they run out.